Sysoon - sociálna sieť mŕtvych ľudí
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Viac hrobov
Na našej stránke nájdete informácie o mŕtvych, ich menách, údajoch o narodení a smrti, pobytoch a príbuzných.
- Hrob43034939/deceased/leon-knockaert-37
Leon Knockaert, 78 rokov, (1903 - 1982)
- Hrob45146281/deceased/margaret-perritt-37
Margaret Perritt, 85 rokov, (1900 - 1986)
- Hrob20535257/deceased/james-shirley-59
James Shirley, 54 rokov, (1914 - 1969)
- Hrob28467992/deceased/rebecca-h-gilleland-36
Rebecca H Gilleland, 72 rokov, (1936 - 2009)
- Hrob13067504/deceased/peggy-l-drake-35
Peggy L Drake, 42 rokov, (1957 - 1999)
- Hrob75724673/deceased/charles-raguse-237
Charles Raguse, 81 rokov, (1893 - 1974)
- Hrob63305689/deceased/efrain-morales-215
Efrain Morales, 52 rokov, (1930 - 1983)
- Hrob1975927/deceased/anna-ojala-35
Anna Ojala, 79 rokov, (1903 - 1983)
- Hrob19900433/deceased/charles-hiddemen-35
Charles Hiddemen, 78 rokov, (1907 - 1985)
- Hrob29775026/deceased/molly-dewey-glover-36
Molly Dewey Glover, 67 rokov, (1940 - 2008)
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This website is not user friendly. I type in the name of a specific person and all it does is direct you to another vendor website that I do not need.
My name is Tiffany king I am trying to find a picture of my grandfather Jerry netburn
Hi there, my name is blerta, how can i find out where my grandfathers grave is at? His nname is xhelal myslim? Please help and thank u!
You were not the victim of this marriage... Tracy felt the need to tell me he loved me NOT YOU. she has-been tryn to get ur SS. I did try But the drinking an ur physical abuse was not enough for YOU.. Rest now Ray. your always in my thoughts.
What Is Free Nothing,I can Not Even Search Any One Name,U give Me every thing but that,And every thing u click on u have to pay,No Good
You people suck!! i've tried and tried to find a certain person and all that comes up is a bunch of funeral homes with the last name of the person i'm looking for. every other website can at least find her. i don't care about actors and all that crap. i'm not impressed nor am i happy. please, cancel my membership. if you don't, i will report you to the bbb and everyone else i can think of. rhonda sandberg/