Charles Derflinger, Headstone of Charles Derflinger (1917 - 1977), memorial
The grave site / plot 22481609 of

Charles Derflinger (1917-1977) *59

This memorial website was created in memory of Charles Derflinger, 59, born on August 2, 1917 and passed away on August 0, 1977.

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Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file

Hashtag: sysoon22481609, memorial22481609, grave22481609, death, funeral, findagrave, buria , obituary, 1570ac9, les Derflinger, obits, ssn, family,

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This page was created on 2015-12-31T00:00:00

Last changed on 2021-01-15T23:31:00

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