Francisco Blake Mora
The grave site / plot 86206460 of

Francisco Blake Mora (1966-2011) *45

This memorial website was created in memory of Francisco Blake Mora, 45, born on May 22, 1966 and passed away on November 11, 2011.

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Francisco Blake Mora He was a Mexican lawyer and politician who served as the Secretary of the Interior in the cabinet of Felipe Calderón from 2010 to 2011


Date of Birth:
Day of Birth:
Time of Birth:
Zodiac / Star Sign:
Birth Anniversary:
Time since birth: 
21403 days = 58 years


Date of Death:
Day of Death:
Time of death:
Died at Age:
45 years
Place of death:
Death Anniversary:
Days of Life:
16609 days = 45 years
Time since death: 
4794 days = 13 years

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Cause of death:
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Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file

Hashtag: sysoon86206460, memorial86206460, grave86206460, death, funeral, findagrave, buria , obituary, 52367fc, cisco Blake Mora, obits, ssn, family,

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This page was created on 2015-12-31T00:00:00

Last changed on 2021-01-15T02:22:00

Created by: and maintained by: Sysoon.

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