Frank Wopat, Headstone of Frank Wopat (1888 - 1980), memorial
The grave site / plot 40868071 of

Frank Wopat (1888-1980) *92

This memorial website was created in memory of Frank Wopat, 92, born on May 6, 1888 and passed away on July 0, 1980.

Acte de décès, avis de décès, avis funéraire et informations sur la personne décédée.

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Questions et réponses sur Frank Wopat [40868071-fr]

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Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file

Hashtag: sysoon40868071, memorial40868071, grave40868071, death, funeral, findagrave, buria , obituary, 26f98e7, k Wopat, obits, ssn, family,

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This page was created on 2015-12-31T00:00:00

Last changed on 2020-12-13T13:36:00

Created by: and maintained by: Sysoon.

Data collected by Graphtec s.r.o.

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