Michael Alan Brannan
The grave site / plot 86209093 of

Michael Alan Brannan (1955-2013) *57

This memorial website was created in memory of Michael Alan Brannan, 57, born on December 7, 1955 and passed away on January 8, 2013.

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Michael Alan Brannan He was a professional American golfer. Brannan was one of only a handful of four-time All-Americans in the history of BYU Athletics. During his careerr he played on the PGA Tour for several years, with his best finish being 2nd place at the Houston Open. Brannan finished in the top 10 in four other tournaments and played in three U.S. Opens and the 1978 Masters. Passed away on January 8, 2013.


Date of Birth:
Day of Birth:
Time of Birth:
Zodiac / Star Sign:
Birth Anniversary:
Time since birth: 
25222 days = 69 years


Date of Death:
Day of Death:
Time of death:
Died at Age:
57 years
Death Anniversary:
Days of Life:
20852 days = 57 years
Time since death: 
4370 days = 11 years

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Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file

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This page was created on 2015-12-31T00:00:00

Last changed on 2021-01-15T02:22:00

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