Richard Jugel
The grave site / plot 71893874 of

Richard Jugel (1891-1965) *73

This memorial website was created in memory of Richard Jugel, 73, born on August 29, 1891 and passed away on June 0, 1965.

Acta de defunción, obituario, aviso funerario e información sobre la persona fallecida.

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Address and location of Richard Jugel which have been published. Click on the address to view a map.

Place / address (1):États-Unis.

Place of birth:unknown place

Place of death:unknown place.

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Attention: Death verified by Social security index. - Accuracy of the file

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Last changed on 2021-01-13T00:40:00

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Richard Dennis Jugel Language: English Report abuse

Richard Weaver Jugel ... Death Date June 22, 1965 (I am his grandson).

From Wayne Herald Newdpaper, Thursday, June 24, 1965:

Richard W. Jugel Funeral Services Held At Winside

Funeral services for Richard W. Jugel, 73, were held Tuesday afternoon at St. Paul's Lutheran church, Winside, NE. Mr. Jugel died Friday at Wayne hospital.

Rev. E. J. Bernthal, Wayne, officiated at the rites. Mrs. LeRoy Damme sang "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" and "Softly and Tenderly." Mrs. Carl Ehlers was accompanist. Pallbearers were Alfred Miller, John Redel, Herb Peters, Lowell Glassmeyer, Warren Jacobsen and Allen Frahm. Burial was in Pleasant View cemetery.

Richard W. Jugel was born August 19, 1891 at Bancroft, NE. He grew to manhood in Cuming country. He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith.

He was married Jan. 26, 1916 to Bertha E Baden at the Lutheran church in Wayne, NE by Rev. Rudolph Moehring. The couple spent their married life in Wayne county.

He was preceded in death by his parents and two sons, Donald and Earl.

Survivors include his widow; a son, Alfred, Laurel; a daughter, Mrs. Harlan (Pearl) Weigel, Highland, CA; a brother, Melure, CA; six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


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