Hollie Cattenhead
Hollie Cattenhead is a member of Sysoon community since 2009-10-14. This is the public profile and detailed information about our member.
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My deceased and graves:
Albert B Harmon (1908 - 1999), 90 years
Dawn M Baker (1941 - 2003), 61 years
Christine E Jones (1920 - 2003), 82 years
Sam Spally (1903 - 1977), 73 years
Thomas Harrington (1892 - 1963), 71 years
Bessie W Holland (1925 - 1988), 63 years
Mary W Long (1926 - 1995), 69 years
Homer Powell (1911 - 1994), 83 years
Donald A Sweet (1913 - 1990), 77 years
Xay Mui Tham (1903 - 1985), 81 years
Oliver Lawton (1899 - 1983), 83 years
Nancy M Smith (1895 - 2001), 106 years
Clinton Hicks (1907 - 1980), 73 years
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