Martin Dano
Martin Dano is a member of Sysoon community since 2010-03-13. This is the public profile and detailed information about our member.
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The comments you wrote concerning Thad Hallock are heartless and unnecessary. Thad Hallock was my friend and he, I and an entire group of us had more than a couple of years of happy sobriety in Santa Clara. I understand his defiance toward treating his addiction but I think it is callous to send off someone like this:
Would like to get some information on a deceased 🙏🙏 on your site who was a friend gillianamaryllis5@gmail. com thank u
Albert p Mandes is my father. I was given to adoption in Atlantic city, Nj - 1952. his longtime mistress, my mother, was Marion Frances Devereaux - died 2019. Albert and Marion also had my brother two years later but kept him. that is how I was able to learn of my father. I have not been able to find any information on him except this.
Did Albert have children when married in Florida? I found a Nicola E. Mandes of Florida. Nicola was Albert's dad's name and E. was for a brother Edward. thank you very much for any information or direction to search
Albert p Mandes is my father. I was given to adoption in Atlantic city, Nj - 1952. his longtime mistress, my mother, was Marion Frances Devereaux - died 2019. Albert and Marion also had my brother two years later but kept him. that is how I was able to learn of my father. I have not been able to find any information on him except this.
Did Albert have children when married in Florida? I found a Nicola E. Mandes of Florida. Nicola was Albert's dad's name and E. was for a brother Edward. thank you very much for any information or direction to search
Albert p Mandes is my father. I was given to adoption in Atlantic city, Nj - 1952. his longtime mistress, my mother, was Marion Frances Devereaux - died 2019. Albert and Marion also had my brother two years later but kept him. that is how I was able to learn of my father. I have not been able to find any information on him except this.
Did Albert have children when married in Florida? I found a Nicola E. Mandes of Florida. Nicola was Albert's dad's name and E. was for a brother Edward. thank you very much for any information or direction to search
Albert p Mandes is my father. I was given to adoption in Atlantic city, Nj - 1952. his longtime mistress, my mother, was Marion Frances Devereaux - died 2019. Albert and Marion also had my brother two years later but kept him. that is how I was able to learn of my father. I have not been able to find any information on him except this.
Did Albert have children when married in Florida? I found a Nicola E. Mandes of Florida. Nicola was Albert's dad's name and E. was for a brother Edward. thank you very much for any information or direction to search
Albert p Mandes is my father. I was given to adoption in Atlantic city, Nj - 1952. his longtime mistress, my mother, was Marion Frances Devereaux - died 2019. Albert and Marion also had my brother two years later but kept him. that is how I was able to learn of my father. I have not been able to find any information on him except this.
Did Albert have children when married in Florida? I found a Nicola E. Mandes of Florida. Nicola was Albert's dad's name and E. was for a brother Edward. thank you very much for any information or direction to search
Albert p Mandes is my father. I was given to adoption in Atlantic city, Nj - 1952. his longtime mistress, my mother, was Marion Frances Devereaux - died 2019. Albert and Marion also had my brother two years later but kept him. that is how I was able to learn of my father. I have not been able to find any information on him except this.
Did Albert have children when married in Florida? I found a Nicola E. Mandes of Florida. Nicola was Albert's dad's name and E. was for a brother Edward. thank you very much for any information or direction to search
Albert p mandes is my father. he put me up for adoption in atlantic city, nj - 1952. his longtime mistress - my mother - was marion frances devereaux - died 2019. Albert and marion also had my brother two years later, but kept him. that is how i was able to learn of my father. i have not been able to find any information on him except this.
Albert p mandes is my father. he put me up for adoption in atlantic city, nj - 1952. his longtime mistress - my mother - was marion frances devereaux - died 2019. Albert and marion also had my brother two years later, but kept him. that is how i was able to learn of my father. i have not been able to find any information on him except this.
his family north did not of his death until 10 years ago. what more can i find out? i think he may have had children in florida thanks