Theoda Warren
Theoda Warren is a member of Sysoon community since 2010-09-08. This is the public profile and detailed information about our member.
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My deceased and graves:
Paula J Wallen (1956 - 1996), 40 years
Martha A Britting (1943 - 2003), 59 years
Florence Granger (1891 - 1981), 90 years
Vera L Millet (1916 - 2009), 92 years
Roderick J Fraiser (1914 - 1998), 83 years
George Leggewie (1917 - 1984), 66 years
McKinley English (1919 - 1992), 72 years
Herbert A Greifenberg (1935 - 1999), 63 years
Delores M Lavelle (1917 - 2002), 85 years
Sue F Palmer (1935 - 2000), 65 years
Carrie Welch (1909 - 1974), 64 years
Harvey Mason (1918 - 1985), 66 years
William Longacre (1917 - 1972), 55 years
Carl Smith (1928 - 1986), 57 years
Patricia A Gross (1938 - 2001), 62 years
Virgil Clark (1908 - 1969), 61 years
Lulu McCollum (1897 - 1980), 82 years
Antonio Dangelo (1909 - 1999), 89 years
Eileen Pieper (1933 - 1984), 50 years
Katherine Layerd (1899 - 1972), 72 years
Lester Miller (1906 - 1978), 71 years
Juana Baca (1887 - 1987), 99 years
Pearl E Ripke-Blake (1926 - 2008), 81 years
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