Willy Thompson, Willy Thompson, member

Willy Thompson is a member of Sysoon community since 2010-07-07. This is the public profile and detailed information about our member.

Vital records:

to show all important data absolutely for free!

My deceased and graves:

Anna White (1917 - 2003), 85 years

Herbert Klavohn (1915 - 1971), 55 years

Rosemary Cole (1935 - 1986), 51 years

Everett Wilson (1906 - 1965), 59 years

Margaret M Rigot (1911 - 2001), 90 years

Emerald Malone (1903 - 1971), 67 years

Aslee K Odoms (1915 - 2000), 85 years

Amanda Brehm (1875 - 1968), 92 years

Bertha Metcalfe (1885 - 1969), 83 years

Georgia R Taylor (1942 - 2004), 61 years

Jesse Lee Bryant (1930 - 2007), 76 years

Hedwig M Morahan (1912 - 1992), 80 years

Linda Smith (1936 - 1967), 30 years

Ethel Palmes (1887 - 1965), 78 years

Lisa K Pendergrass (1968 - 1998), 30 years

Edward L Whitcomb (1918 - 1990), 71 years

Harry E Mandel (1918 - 1989), 70 years

Harry H Smith (1920 - 1997), 77 years

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Ak prevádzkujete pohrebnú agentúru, pohrebný ústav alebo spoločnosť, ktorá sa zaoberá balzamovaním, prepravou tela a popola, kremáciou, pohrebným obradom, výrobou náhrobných kameňov, vencov, sarkofágov alebo ak máte pohrebný voz, rakvy (rakvy), urny alebo ak spravujete cintorín – zaregistrujte svoju stránku alebo firmu ešte dnes.


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