Recorded as MacBride, McBride, Bride, Bryde, the diminutives Bridie, Brydie, and Bridey, this is a Gaelic surname of both Irish and Scottish origins. It derives either from the pre 10th century Irish Mac giolla Brighde or the Scottish Mac gille Brighde, and translates as "The son of the follower of St Bridget", one of the early Christian saints. The personal name originally 'Brighid' is of uncertain etymology, but may mean "exalted", and was probably that given to a pagan fire goddess, albeit that many of her attributes are now associated with the historical figure of St. Brigit of Kildare (452-523). She was the founder of the first Irish convent. In Scotland, the name is also found as Kilbride, from the Gaelic 'cill Brighde' meaning the church of Bridget, from the Latin word 'cella', meaning a room or cell. Early examples of the surname recording include: John McBride a captain of Bute in 1370, Malcolm Bridy who was the prior of Fyvie in 1451, whilst in Ireland Daniel McBride married Elizabeth Moor on March 3rd 1760, at Clones, in County Monaghan. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Christines McBryd. This was dated 1329, in the Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, during the reign of King David 11 of Scotland, 1329-1371. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.
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