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Nom du défunt 305437


Nom "Secret" est mort sur ​​Sysoon. Analysez un nom et découvrez son origine. Notre analyse inclut le pays d'origine, le pays de résidence, la diaspora et même la race ou l'ethnie.

Trouvez les nécrologies, tombe, remarque funéraire, un cimetière, des documents historiques et les actes de décès des Secret et rejoindre les personnes endeuillés. Secret

Chercher dans Sysoon - Fichier des personnes décédées (Décès).

This very interesting name was a medieval French occupational metonymic for a Professional writer of letters and despatches on behalf of the state or a high noble. The name is recorded Heraldically in Switzerland when the occupation was held in high honour. The name has been recorded in its various spellings in Britain since the mid Seventeeth Century. The name development including Elizabeth Secret who married Roger Easton at St.James Church, Dukes Place, London in 1684, whilst Benjamin Secretar is recorded in London 1786 as Baptised at St. Benets, Shoreditch. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Johannes Secrett. which was dated 1673, Baptised at St. Martins in the Field London. during the reign of King Charles II, The Merry Monarch, 1660 - 1685. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

Noms similaires et alternative à secret:

Code Soundex pour secret est: S263 | Inversée: terces

Longueur du nom: 6 caractères


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