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Nom du défunt 9014


Nom "Sherry" est mort sur ​​Sysoon. Analysez un nom et découvrez son origine. Notre analyse inclut le pays d'origine, le pays de résidence, la diaspora et même la race ou l'ethnie.

Trouvez les nécrologies, tombe, remarque funéraire, un cimetière, des documents historiques et les actes de décès des Sherry et rejoindre les personnes endeuillés. Sherry

Chercher dans Sysoon - Fichier des personnes décédées (Décès).

Is this name Scottish or Irish, or both? Nobody seems to be absolutely certain, partly because it is found in many spelling forms. What is certain is the origin is Gaelic, the derivation being (almost) certainly from 'searraigh' an ancient word which literally translates as 'a foal'. This may have been an endearment, or was possibly a nickname for a fast runner, as a secondary meaning is 'flying or flighty'. The varied spelling forms would take up a scroll on their own, but the usual examples are MacSharry, McSharry, O'Sharry, MacSherry, McSherry, MacShirie, MacShirrie and Sherry, but these are only for starters. The surname has been found in Scotland in Skye and Mull, and in Ireland in the border county of Leitrim, and in the southern counties of Cork and Killarney. In its varied forms the surname is considered to be the sixtieth most popular in Ireland with some ten thousand name holders, but is now rare in Scotland. The earliest recording seems to be the example shown below, whilst other recordings include Archibald McShirrie of Leattir, Scotland who was in 1635, charged with 'illegal warding', whilst in 1675 John MacScherie of Dowart was pronounced a rebel, his fate is not known! In Ireland Elizabeth M'Chirrie married James Morrison at Carmoney, County Antrim, on December 12th 1754, An unusual recording is that of John Mcsarry (as spelt), a passenger on the ship 'Messenger' of Liverpool, on June 5th 1846, bound for New York. He was aged 18, a farmer, according to the passenger list, and one of the first of the emigrants fleeing the 'Great Famine'. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Duncan Glas VcShirie, which was dated 1629, executed for ship robbery in Oskamull, during the reign of King Charles 1, known as 'The Martyr', 1625 - 1649.

Noms similaires et alternative à sherry:

Code Soundex pour sherry est: S600 | Inversée: yrrehs

Longueur du nom: 6 caractères


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