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Comments and discussion

Bill Butler (Bill) Language: English Report abuse

Always loved you Dad, always.

Susan Goodhand Willoughby Language: English Report abuse

Nanny you are missed everyday!

Emily Ann Shoop Language: English Report abuse

I am happy for the days you lived like a rolling stone . i am sad for all you missed , i am sorry you died and were alone.

Alex Maidana Language: English Report abuse

Ciao campione ovunque tu sia grazie dei bei momenti ti voglio bene ❤

Alex Maidana Language: English Report abuse

Ciao campione ovunque tu sia grazie dei bei momenti ti voglio bene ❤

Mike Cooksey Language: English Report abuse

He was a nice man. Sciatica really hurt him.

Bonnie Sworob Language: English Report abuse

Rest in peace my dear and wonderful friend!

Mark Blackman Language: English Report abuse

Love you we coming to get you we find out what everybody still hiding love you I was a kid when leola was tryin to get you out we comin to get you LOVE

Sara Jane Javery Language: English Report abuse

Today is December 8, 2019. I remember celebrating her 70th birthday on December 8th of 2001. It was a surprise birthday party set up at Martha's Restaurant of the intercoastal. She told me out of all the people there I was the first one she had seen. I miss her dearly.

Rhianna Sage Language: English Report abuse

+39 3669786740


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