Vital records:
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- Membre100972/member/edmonia-mauck-1275
Edmonia Mauck
- Membre214702/member/edmonia-bell-2312
Edmonia Bell
- Membre218734/member/edmonia-patterson-2736
Edmonia Patterson
- Membre252677/member/edmonia-earl-369
Edmonia Earl
- Membre387920/member/edmonia-pickard-5005
Edmonia Pickard
- Mémorial2290037/deceased/edmonia-desantos-35
Edmonia Desantos, 78 années, (1898 - 1976)
- Mémorial2328373/deceased/edmonia-cromwell-35
Edmonia Cromwell, 83 années, (1904 - 1987)
- Mémorial3241435/deceased/edmonia-williams-35
Edmonia Williams, 93 années, (1879 - 1972)
- Mémorial5671657/deceased/edmonia-jones-35
Edmonia Jones, 82 années, (1906 - 1988)
- Mémorial7188309/deceased/edmonia-richards-35
Edmonia Richards, 75 années, (1929 - 2004)
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Language: English Report abuse
Have image in . pdf formát , how to upload ?
Language: English Report abuse
I am searching for family members of Jeffery Swasey, his son is my son, he died before he was born.
Language: English Report abuse
The information about my mother is incorrect. How does it get corrected?
Language: English Report abuse
Eugene Gaymon died in 1950. I'm trying to find family, he might be my father.
Language: English Report abuse
Looking for family or information on R P Farrell that lived in Eugene, Oregon at some time.
Language: English Report abuse
I am the widow and only one with any say. remove my husband's soc sec # immediately or deal with my attorney. you nor anyone else has no right to do this. no to mention some of the other info is inaccurate. i will give you ten days to remove any and all info regarding my husband. got it?