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- Hrob62092937/deceased/elmer-weisinger-215
Elmer Weisinger, 70 rokov, (1926 - 1996)
- Hrob64731591/deceased/elmer-weisinger-245
Elmer Weisinger, 76 rokov, (1892 - 1968)
- Adresár31276/dir/bunce-cemetery-4151
Bunce Cemetery
Elmer,Macon County,Missouri,United States
- Adresár66604/dir/fairview-cemetery-3140
Fairview Cemetery
Elmer,Reno County,Kansas,United States
- Adresár70748/dir/elmer-cemetery-4027
Elmer Cemetery
Elmer,Jackson County,Oklahoma,United States
- Adresár71906/dir/chestnut-grove-cemetery-498
Chestnut Grove Cemetery
Route 609,Elmer,Salem County,New Jersey,United States
- Adresár72390/dir/elmer-cemetery-1515
Elmer Cemetery
Hayes County,Nebraska,United States
- Adresár89606/dir/elmer-cemetery-1487
Elmer Cemetery
Elmer,Macon County,Missouri,United States
- Adresár119116/dir/elmer-turner-cemetery-2490
Elmer Turner Cemetery
Breathitt County,Kentucky,United States
- Adresár152541/dir/elmer-cemetery-2416
Elmer Cemetery
Rapides Parish,Louisiana,United States
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Have image in . pdf formát , how to upload ?
I am searching for family members of Jeffery Swasey, his son is my son, he died before he was born.
The information about my mother is incorrect. How does it get corrected?
Eugene Gaymon died in 1950. I'm trying to find family, he might be my father.
Looking for family or information on R P Farrell that lived in Eugene, Oregon at some time.
I am the widow and only one with any say. remove my husband's soc sec # immediately or deal with my attorney. you nor anyone else has no right to do this. no to mention some of the other info is inaccurate. i will give you ten days to remove any and all info regarding my husband. got it?