Arthur Auttelet
The grave site / plot 2154927 of

Arthur Auttelet (1919-1979) *59

This memorial website was created in memory of Arthur Auttelet, 59, born on September 22, 1919 and passed away on June 0, 1979.

Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person.

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Michelle Auttelet
Member since: 2011-03-24, Last activity: 2016-04-14


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Michelle Auttelet Language: English Report abuse

This is my Father. He was born 09/19/1919 and he died 06/24/1979. He was 59 yrs.old and died from lung cancer. He had quit smoking 3 yrs. before he developed it.

He served our great Country for 30 years in the United States Air Force and retired as a Chief Master Sargent. He truly loved what he did.

He was married to my Mother, Rita Marie Dupras Auttelet for 35 yrs. until she died on 07/05/1976. They were married on 04/13/1941. They had 4 daughters together: Judith Ann, Cynthia Marie, Cathy Ann and Michelle Lee.

As of today, 12/26/2013, 34 years after his death, most of the memories I have of my Father make me smile. I am proud to be his daughter.


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