Edith I Hatszegi (1944-2005) *60
This memorial website was created in memory of Edith I Hatszegi, 60, born on December 13, 1944 and passed away on December 8, 2005.
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7/3/2006 6:00:00 PM
Local woman gets 6 years in fatal DUI crash
KINGMAN (AP) – A Mohave County woman who was drunk when she caused a December crash that killed a Mesa woman will serve nearly 6 years in prison.
Jane Diane Dugger, 45, pleaded guilty to manslaughter, aggravated assault and misdemeanor extreme DUI in the case.
Dugger also must serve 10 years on probation once her prison term is complete. As part of the plea agreement reached Wednesday which reduced the charges, each year during the probation term Dugger must spend the week of Dec. 6-13 in county jail. The accident happened on Dec. 8, Deputy Mohave County Attorney Lee Jantzen said.
Dugger was driving her pickup westbound on Highway 68 when she drove into the opposing lane and struck a 2005 Toyota pickup driven by Paul Joseph Zebrowski of Apache Junction.
Killed in the head-on crash from multiple injuries was Zebrowski’s passenger, Edith Ilona Hatszegi, 60, of Mesa. Zebrowski, 61, suffered serious injuries.
Jantzen said Dugger’s blood alcohol level when tested four hours later was 0. 26 percent
Yearly reminder part of unusual sentence in fatal car crash
Special to the review-journal
KINGMAN, Ariz. -- A woman who caused a fatal crash while driving drunk has to spend one week in jail on the anniversary of the wreck during each of the 10 years she is on probation.
The punishment will begin with a five-year, 10-month prison term.
Mohave County Superior Court Judge Steve Conn imposed the sentence Friday as part of a "victim driven" plea agreement.
Jane Dugger, 44, of Golden Valley was convicted of manslaughter, aggravated assault and driving under the influence in the Dec. 8 crash on state Route 68 outside Bullhead City.
Prosecutor Lee Jantzen said tests revealed that Dugger's blood-alcohol level was more than three times the legal limit two hours after the wreck.
Jantzen said Dugger fell asleep and drove her pickup head-on into a pickup occupied by a Mesa couple. Edith Hatszegi, 60, was killed and her longtime companion, Paul Zebrowski, 61, was seriously injured in the collision.
Jantzen said Zebrowski and family members of the victims helped craft Dugger's punishment.
"They don't want her to spend the rest of her life in prison," Jantzen told the court. "But they do want her to think about this every December.