G C Ebarb (1917-1992) *74
This memorial website was created in memory of G C Ebarb, 74, born on October 28, 1917 and passed away on February 26, 1992.
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Sherry Kennedy
Member since: 2012-08-19, Last activity: 2012-08-21
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Gentry was married to my Grandmother, Constance Jean (Farus) Ward in 1975. I have very little information about him. His father was Charles Walter Ebarb. who died in 1960. Walter was married three times, the second wife was Gentry's mother. She died when he was 2. Third wife died in childbirth and Walter gave the child to a woman with a new baby. His name was Roy Walters, b. 2-14-1920 d,7-11-2001. Married to an Alma Pauline Yawn and also married to a Josephine Helena Brock. He had 3 children. I would love to get more information on Gentry Ebarb. He died in Ft. Sumner, New Mexico in 1992, however I am unable to find his burial site.