Gladys F Wax (1902-1988) *86
This memorial website was created in memory of Gladys F Wax, 86, born on January 4, 1902 and passed away on November 7, 1988.
Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person.
Family, relatives and friends
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Family, relatives and friends
Family and relatives are two essential components in our life. A family is typically made of our relatives, either by blood or legal means (marriage or adoption). The difference between family and relatives is that family refers to a group of relatives that typically lives together whereas relatives refer to people who are related to us by blood or legal means. In general parlance, family typically refers to the parents and children living together whereas relatives refer to the members of the extended family including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
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Grandma Gladys was born Gladys O Frazier on 1/4/1902 in Missouri, possibly close to Lockwood. By age 18, she had moved to Jordan Montana (Garfield County). At age 23, she married Forest L Wilson and at 34, she bore my father, R Cleve Wilson. Forest was killed in a car/train accident just a year later. Grandma Gladys raised my father as a single parent, mostly teaching in the Montana area. In 1961, she married Robert L Wax (I am unsure where the marriage occurred) and they ended up in South Dakota, just south of Rapid City where they started Gladys Ceramics in an old barn across from Reptile Gardens. The business moved to Keystone SD around 1970 where they employed several towns-people. Due to age, the business was sold somewhere in the 1980 range, renamed Keystone Ceramics and they moved just south of Hill City to be closer to my father in their later years. Grandma Gladys died 11/7/1988 and Grandpa Bob died in 1986. They are both buried at the Hill City Cemetery.