Stella Gudmunson
Stella Gudmunson is a member of Sysoon community since 2010-04-20. This is the public profile and detailed information about our member.
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My deceased and graves:
Helen A Balasis (1926 - 1998), 71 years
Wilfrid D Oneil (1926 - 1998), 71 years
Judith G Illes (1942 - 2004), 61 years
Grego Keko (1888 - 1965), 77 years
Dee Sheneman (1901 - 1970), 69 years
Ethel M Harper (1910 - 1996), 85 years
Robert Love (1952 - 1978), 25 years
Wayne Insley (1909 - 1969), 60 years
Ruth A Shanahan (1910 - 1996), 85 years
Zarui Khachatryan (1921 - 1988), 67 years
Rebecca Johnson (1883 - 1971), 87 years
William E Erne (1938 - 2003), 65 years
William V McReynolds (1907 - 1992), 85 years
Balambal B Subrahmanyam (1922 - 2002), 79 years
Joe Newsom (1893 - 1978), 84 years
Michael Howard (1949 - 1978), 28 years
William Kolosoff (1890 - 1963), 73 years
Henry Roper (1890 - 1963), 72 years
Funeral directory
The most comprehensive human-edited Funeral and Genealogy industry directory contains a complete range of services associated with the funeral industry.
Sysoon is a human edited funeral business directory and we are serious about maintaining this site as a spam-free index of useful, unique listings.
If you run a funeral agency, a funeral home or a company which is engaged in embalming, body and ashes transporting, cremation, funeral ceremony, making gravestones, wreaths, sarcophaguses or if you have a hearse, coffins (caskets), urns or if you administer a cemetery - submit your site or company today.
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